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Department of Teacher Training in Electrical Engineering
Department of Teacher Training in Electrical Engineering

The Department of Teacher Training in Electrical Engineering (TE) was established in 1969 (B.E. 2512). It was also called the Electrical Instructional Department with the name of Thai-German Technical Teacher College (TGTTC), which was a former name with academics' assistance from the Government of The Federal Republic of Germany. The department is the first and oldest, and it continues to offer Bachelor of Science Degrees in Technical Education and majors in Electrical Engineering (B.S.Tech.Ed) in Thailand. Initially the program has a commitment to supporting graduates with a teaching competency in vocational education. At present, the TE Department is in the Faculty of Technical Education at King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), and it offers a Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering and Education. The department has expanded the expected learning outcomes (ELO) to producing graduates who have teaching competency and the ability to deliver knowledge in engineering that meets the labor market needs in both the industry and academic arenas

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) 5 years

Program Degree Requirements Class Sessions Tuition/Semester (THB)
Electrical Engineering and Education 185 credits

Weekday (09:00 – 16:00)

19,000 baht (approximately)

 Bachelor of Science (B.S.) 4 years

Program Degree Requirements Class Sessions Tuition/Semester (THB)
Electrical Engineering 149 credits

Weekday (09:00 – 16:00)

19,000 baht (approximately)

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) for transfer 2-3 years

Program Degree Requirements Class Sessions Tuition/Semester (THB)
Electrical Engineering 149 credits

Weekday (09:00 – 16:00)

19,000 baht (approximately)

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) 2 years

Program Degree Requirements Class Sessions Tuition/Semester (THB)
Technical Education Program in Electrical Engineering Education 36 Credits (Thesis)

Weekday (09:00 – 16:00)

16,000 Baht (approximately)
Technical Education Program in Electrical Engineering Education 36 Credits (Independent Study Plan B) Weekend (09:00 – 16:00) 35,000 Baht (approximately)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 2 years

Program Degree Requirements Class Sessions Tuition/Semester (THB)
Electrical Engineering 51 credits (Thesis)

Weekday (09:00 – 16:00)

16,000 (approximately)
Electrical and Energy Engineering (English Program) 48 credits (Thesis)

Weekday (09:00 – 16:00)

120,000 (approximately)