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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Technology (EAT) established in October 2013 with the aims to further advance and develop the engineering and technology fields for industrial and private sectors in Rayong Province and Thailand’s eastern region, and to further interests and benefits of people in this region by providing academic services and training.
The mission and vision of Faculty of Engineering and Technology is to promote under-graduated students with creative, capable, and collaborative skills hands on for local and global industry and fulfilled the program standard of Council of Engineer Thailand (CoE).
We also conduct research on some of the most challenging issues that face mankind, and educate young minds and talented people, to make the eastern region of Thailand and the whole country competitive globally through discoveries and innovations.
Divisions of Faculty of Engineering and Technology and Undergraduate Programs
The faculty focuses and offers the 4-year under-graduated engineering programs. The curriculums are contributed considering to feedbacks and fulfilled requirements from all important stakeholders e.g. the Council of Engineers Thailand (CoE), the Office of the Higher Educational Office Thailand (OHEC), local industry experts, which are reflected into innovative and unique curriculums and based on continuous educational activities, integral practices, and innovative teachings. All of our undergraduated programs assured the quality of our curriculums. Though it has exalted the faculty to many aspects of excellency.


  • Industrial and Logistics Engineering
  • Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology
  • Materials and Process Engineering Technology
  • Instrumentation and Automation Engineering Technology
  • Chemical Process Engineering Technology

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng)

Industrial and Logistics Engineering
Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology
Materials and Process Engineering Technology
Instrumentation and Automation Engineering Technology
Chemical Process Engineering Technology